Sinusitis leads to abscess in eye socket on 16 month old neonate

Surgeons of the Ear-Nose-Throat Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City has performed an operation on a 16 month old neonate who suffered complications of a collection of pus in right eye socket.
The baby undergoes a surgery to remove abscess from the eye socket (Photo: SGGP)
The baby undergoes a surgery to remove abscess from the eye socket (Photo: SGGP)
This is the most complicated case in the hospital within ten past year.
The boy baby hailing from the central province of Binh Thuan was taken to the Eye Hospital in the city on August 5 when his right eye was swollen. After examining, eye doctors transferred him to the Ear-Nose-Throat Hospital because they thought sinusitis was the cause of swollen eye.
His mother said that a few months ago, he had running nose; though he was treated in a local medical clinic, his condition did not abate and it re-occured many times while his right eye was swollen.
Deputy head of the Nose-Sinusitis Ward Nguyen Minh Hao Hon said that he baby suffered an infection of structures surrounding the sinuses that extends to the eye can cause vision changes, infection of the eye tissue (orbital cellulitis), a collection of pus in the eye socket.
The baby must undergo a surgery soon. If not, the baby can be blind, septicemia and even death. Infection may spread through the skull to involve the brain and spinal fluid, which can result in meningitis or a brain abscess. Accordingly, surgeons were quick to conduct an operation on the day to remove 100cc of pus from the eye socket.
One week after the operation, his eye recovered well yet he was kept in the hospital for further treatment.
By the hospital’s statistic, within ten years, 36 cases of sinusitis patients suffered abscess in their eye.

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