More than 15,000 housing records stagnant in HCMC

According to the Municipal Department of Natural Resources and Environment, more than 15,000 cases have not received certificates of land use right, ownership of house and other properties associated with land in Ho Chi Minh City.
More than 15,000 housing records  stagnant in HCMC

Most of them are ineligible for the certification, for instance some properties were illegally purchased and sold after January 1, 2008. In some cases, residents encoached land, illegally changed land use purpose, violated land use plans and construction regulations.

In addition, there are some issues such as unclear origin of land use, illegal land allocation, disputes and unclear inheritance rights, etc.

Currently, the city has granted more than 1.5 million certificates for households and individuals so far, accounting for 97.5 percent of the total number of houses and land in the city.

This year,  21,634 households and individuals and 21,634 businesses have been granted with the certificates of for the first time.

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